Crazy Gee, Personnel One Direction 'Kill' Listening to Death

One Direction is never devoid of news. More recently, the band from London is accused of being one of the causes of suicide. Well how come?

The problem begins when one of the fans of personnel One Direction leave a testament to his family. Fans of known named Debbie is said that Harry Styles has changed his life becomes more beautiful.

"Please say thank you to Harry Styles from One Direction as it has made my life better a few weeks of this" Debbie wrote in his suicide message.

one direction

Not only that, Debbie who is a big fan of Harry Styles was also asked one of his friends to upload the suicide note on his Tumblr account. It was written directly by the fans in his message. 

"To whoever finds this, I want you to open up my Tumblr account and upload this message when you find it. If you find this message it means that I have to die "wrote Debbie.

Not just this one time, One Direction was actually already been reported be the culprit of suicides. In the last 2013 years, the singer of the songsteals my girl is rumored to be the reason 42 fans to commit suicide after watching the video documentary CRAZY ABOUT ONE DIRECTION .

Well the more cringe just One Direction 's!

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